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About ARRC

The Assembly Republican Review Committee (ARRC) is a member-elected body tasked with overseeing the creation of our Legislative Agenda. Over the past few months, the Members of ARRC, led by Chairman Jarett Gandolfo, have worked to review legislation submitted by Members of the Assembly Republican Conference and develop new ideas designed to address the concerns of our constituents and all New Yorkers.


The 2023-24 Legislative Agenda is our plan for a safer, stronger, more prosperous New York. Tackling the important issues of public safety, energy and climate reform, affordability, creating a stable and prepared workforce, reforming state government, and supporting our veterans and first responders, ARRC has provided New Yorkers with a clear vision of how the Assembly Republican Conference would make New York a better place to live and raise a family.


ARRC is proud to present our 2023-24 Legislative Agenda and will continue to work with Assembly Republican Leader Will Barclay and all of our Assembly Republican Members throughout the year to design new policies that will move the Empire State in a new direction.

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