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New York First
Affordability and Cost of Living

Calculating Budget

Unsustainable Affordability Crisis

New York State ranks 45th nationally for affordability, which contributes to more people leaving New York than any other state
Family Shopping Together

Increased Utility Costs

New York residential electricity costs are 47% higher than the national average

Wasteful Government Spending

Overall State Government spending has increased by $67 billion over the last five years

Assembly Minority Affordability and Cost of Living

Address High Prices on Essential Needs

Provide relief for oppressive inflation, reduce high utility bills, and cut taxes on families to make New York a more affordable place to live


Reduce Government Spending

Impose a cap on annual increases in State spending, cut burdensome regulations, and reduce the size of government to take the burden off of New York taxpayers

Prevent Future Tax Increases

Put legislative requirements in place in order to extend, impose, or increase any State tax, and make sure State agencies cannot raise fees without legislative oversight

Increase Child Care Affordability

Provide tax relief for families with young children, and make it easier for providers to improve their buildings and expand child care availability



Download our Affordability and Cost of Living Presentation Below

Download our Affordability and Cost of Living Flyer Below

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